Worksheet Crafter 2018.1 is available
We are happy to announce that the new Worksheet Crafter 2018.1 is now available. This new version comes with many useful features requested by our customers:
- A new exercise item for word search puzzle
- The possibility for adding teacher notes to worksheet pages
- Any many improvements more...
All these new features are available both for the Mac and the Windows version.
Important Note
Make sure to also install the new Premium Content when updating to this version. The Premium Content has been updated as well.
Word Search Puzzle
The new Worksheet Crafter now supports word search puzzles as new exercise format. These word search puzzles can be used for many purposes such as training concentration or reading abilities:
Creating an own word search puzzle is really easy. Drag the exercise from the left sidebar into your worksheet and enter your words in the property editor on the right side:
Teacher Notes
You can now add custom notes to your worksheet pages. These notes will only be visible inside Worksheet Crafter and do not get printed:
Use these notes to provide additional information to your pages. This can e.g. be a reminder for yourself or explanations for colleagues you'll send the worksheet to.
To add a teacher note simply click on the yellow note icon on the top toolbar:
Announcement: The Future of Windows XP, Windows Vista and Mac OS 10.7 / 10.8 Support
This version 2018.1 of Worksheet Crafter still supports Windows XP, Windows Vista, Mac OS 10.7 and Mac OS 10.8. However, in upcoming versions of Worksheet Crafter these operating systems will not be officially supported anymore. The minimum requirements will then be Windows 7 and Mac OS 10.9.
How do I get the New Version?
If you already own the Basic or Premium Edition then you will get the new version for free, as part of your annual license. If you own the Unlimited Edition then you may purchase the new version for a reduced price. In any case you should receive an email with more information from us in the next few hours. If you don’t get this email then please contact us.
I hope that you like the new version! I am looking forward to your comments.