Rechentabellen für Klasse 2 und vieles mehr finden sich im Worksheet Crafter 2021.2, der auf diesem Bild schematisiert als Mock-Up dargestellt wird.

Worksheet Crafter 2021.2 is available

We are happy to announce that the new Worksheet Crafter 2021.2 is now available. This new version comes with many useful features requested by our customers.

New Arithmetic Table Item

With the new Arithmetic Table there is a new exercise type that many of you requested for a long time.

The arithmetic table enables you to create exercises for all basic arithmetic operations. An intersection point in the result area holds the result of the arithmetic operation for the row value to its left and the column value above. The result generator offers settings based on the desired arithmetic operation. This allows you to create suitable exercises with just a few clicks. Or you deactivate the result generator and enter your values directly into the table fields.

Content Search Improvements

Shortcut for renaming content

The dialog for renaming content may be opened by selecting your user content and hitting F2 on the keyboard.

New preview size for illustrations

There is now a third preview size for illustrations to show more detail before inserting the illustration in your worksheet. Toggle preview sizes as usual:

Search field

On typing in the search field the search will only trigger after three characters to avoid showing to many results. Now you can force the search results by hitting enter after only one or two letters.

User Sounds: Improved Mp3 support

The support for mp3 files is improved - especially for mp3s with variable bitrate. You should now be able to use and MP3 file inside Worksheet Crafter.

Quick login improved

If you share a single Worksheet Crafter installation with multiple users you may be familiar with the quick login.

We made one important change to avoid problems after renewal of your license data. Until now you were required to enter the last three characters of your license key. After a license renewal these characters may change which will result in login failure with those characters. So from now on it is best to instead enter the first three characters of your license key because they will remain the same on license renewal.

How to Get the Upgrade

If you own the Basic or Premium Edition, you will get the new version free of charge for your yearly license. You can start the upgrade by selecting the upgrade from the help menu of the Worksheet Crafter. You or your school will get a mail about this within the next hours. If you own an Unlimited Edition, you can get the upgrade for a reduced price. We will send you an offer within the next days. If you don’t receive a mail from us, please contact us.

I hope you enjoy the new version. Let us know what you think about it.

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