Worksheet Crafter 2019.2 is available
We are happy to announce that the new Worksheet Crafter 2019.2 is now available. This new version comes with many useful features requested by our customers:
- Automatic Line Numbering for Text Items
- Dashed and Dotted Lines in Shapes
- Colorizing Images
- Combined Search and Category Dropdown
- Content Browser: Configurable Preview Size
- Searching for Related Content
- Any many improvements more...
All these new features, except for the file preview, are available both for the Mac and the Windows version.
Automatic Line Numbering for Text Items
The text item now allows you to automatically show line numbers for your complete text. You will find this new functionality in the properties of text items. Once enabled, you can configure the start index, the interval, the font properties and much more:
Dashed and Dotted Lines in Shapes
Our shapes now support a custom line style, allowing you to place dashed and dotted lines on your worksheet. You will find this new option in the properties of the shape items:
Colorizing Images
The image item now support dynamic colorization. When enabling this new feature you can choose a color from a color spectrum. Worksheet Crafter will then colorize your image accordingly, preserving the image contour as is:
Combined Search and Category Dropdown
Since the image search gets more and more important, we reworked the user interface to match this. The new Worksheet Crafter comes with an update content browser which combines the search and category selection in one single user interface element. This way you don't need to explicitly switch to the search field anymore when a search is required:
Content Browser: Configurable Preview Size
The content browser now provides a new button for configuring the preview size. You can thus know decide on your own whether you want to see small or large previews of the images:
Searching for Related Content
We have added a clever new functionality to the content browser. The context menu offers you a new function for searching for related content. This specialized search will show you all images which relate to the currently selected one:
How do I get the New Version?
If you already own the Basic or Premium Edition then you will get the new version for free, as part of your annual license. If you own the Unlimited Edition then you may purchase the new version for a reduced price. In any case you should receive an email with more information from us in the next few hours. If you don’t get this email then please contact us.
I hope that you like the new version! I am looking forward to your comments.