Hooray! Worksheet Crafter 2014.2 is available.

Good news:  the new Worksheet Crafter 2014.2 is available. This new version includes a set of new features our customers asked for:

  • A new item for written methods
  • Possibility to create flexible tables on your worksheet
  • Saving worksheets in PDF format
  • Sending worksheets via OwlMail
  • Improvements to the MultiText export
  • Optional dividing line in ten/twenty frame item

All these new features are available both for the Mac and the Windows version.

New Item for Written Methods

With the new itrem for written methods it is now possible to create written method exercises inside Worksheet Crafter with few clicks. Both the solution and the solution process are shown on the answer key sheet. The optional "formulas" of the exercise generator offer a great degree a flexibility when it comes to narrowing down the allowed values for the exercise.


And the new written methods can even do much more:

  • Showing carrying values, borrowed values and remainders
  • Exercises with more than two values
  • Support for different subtraction methods
  • Showing the place values
  • Configurable visualization of the math grid
  • Flexible position of the solution lines
  • Manual mode with automatic solution computation

Support for Tables

In response to many request by our customers, we have extended Worksheet Crafter with a new item for tables. With this new item to can easily create and configure tables in your worksheet. The number of rows and columns is freely adjustable, as well as the border and background color of the table cells.

Here is an example:


Saving Worksheets in PDF-Format

The File menu now allows you to save your worksheet as a PDF file. PDF files can be viewed and printed on any computer, thus this format is ideal when bringing your worksheets to school for printing. Both the worksheet and the answer key can be saved to PDF.

New: Sending Worksheets via OwlMail

The new Worksheet Crafter comes with a brand new and handy idea: the OwlMail.

OwlMail is a free service of Worksheet Crafter which allows you to send your worksheets in a private and easy via the Internet. You may use this feature to send one of your worksheets to a colleague, or to send your worksheet to school so that you can print it there.

Here is a small example (you'll see your OwlMail in English language of course!):


Uploading a worksheet to OwlMail is done with a few clicks. Once uploaded, you receive a link to your worksheet on our server. It is your decision who receives this link and thus has access to your worksheet. The uploaded worksheet is available for at least 60 days, both as PDF and as original Worksheet Crafter file.

To understand OwlMail best simply give it a try!

Improvements to the Multitext Export

During the last months Mr. Hindelang and we have improved the integration of Worksheet Crafter with Multitext.

With the latest version of Worksheet Crafter and Multitext the solutions of your worksheet will now also be taken over to Multitext. When interactively solving worksheets in Multitext you will thus immediately see whether the entered results are correct or not.

Optional Dividing Line in Ten/Twenty Frame Item

Following more customers requests we have extended the ten and twenty frame item. It now optionally displays dividing lines between the blocks of five points. These dividing lines help students to separate the blocks more easily:


And many Improvements more...

Besides all these new features we have also applied a set of bugfixes and smaller improvements. It it thus for sure worth to upgrade to the new version.

How do I get the New Version?

If you already own the Basic or Premium Edition then you will get the new version for free, as part of your annual license. If you own the Unlimited Edition then you may purchase the new version for a reduced price. In any case you should receive an email with more information from us in the next few hours. If you don’t get this email then please contact me.

I hope that you like the new version! I am looking forward to your comments.

Best wishes,

Fabian Roeken

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